NOTE: Due to manufacturer restrictions, this item cannot be shipped to addresses outside of Canada.
GORE-TEX sports shoes that combining casual style with serious performance.
The first thing you’ll notice is suede leather – oiled, waxed, and wrapping the toe, heel, and ankle of the Krait GTX Ladies shoes. But don’t be taken in by the care-free looks. First, there’s GORE-TEX waterproofing for poised protection from wet weather, alongside the suede, PWR|Mesh busy optimizing airflow. And the TPU overlay is shielding your foot at the laces. Suddenly, laid-back starts to look seriously sporty and sophisticated.
Contrasting stories
The sneaker-like design might not scream motorcycle-ready. Fact is that these mid-cut beauties subtly get on with performing every single day. They’re ready to ride anytime with the 100% waterproof yet remarkably breathable GORE-TEX membrane that will keep you dry while letting your feet breathe. Rain or shine, warm or cold – Krait GTX is poised, never phased.
Don’t try too hard
Wearing the Krait GTX Ladies, you don’t need to try too hard. Along with understated style, there’s all-day comfort and effective performance, plus many practical touches. Like the reinforced higher-risk zones at the toes and heels, and the CE-rated SEESOFT ankle disc. Or the pull tab that makes putting these shoes on as easy as their style – you’ve got effortless performance, protection, and practicality in one casual package