Website Accuracy
A note about changes to information on our website: Dates of the current offers, prices and availability of goods on the website may be changed without notice. We work hard to show only the available articles and to resupply stock regularly. However, it may happen that we run out of stock of certain colours or sizes of items in our inventory when the order is placed. Once your order is processed, you will receive an order confirmation with the date of receipt of your order, the availability and the price of each article ordered. Occasionally, we may have to cancel an order placed through our website if, for example, the merchandise ordered unexpectedly becomes unavailable for shipment.
While we try as hard as possible to meet your needs, we reserve the right to revise any price or inaccurate description and to cancel or refuse any order with an inaccurate price or description. These corrections can be made even after the acceptance of an order.